2023 Reading Challenge

Story Keepers Books
23 Books in 2023 Reading Challenge

Reading is an amazing way to learn, grow, relax, and have fun. This year, we're challenging you to expand your horizons, try some new genres and authors, revisit some favorites, and push yourself to read 23 books in 2023.

The goal is for you to have fun. There are no rules or must-read books and definitely do not have to be read in order! Find books that interest you! 

Download the printable tracker here. This will help you record and remember what you've read or listened to, what you liked, and a summary for the end of the year. 



  • A book you meant to read in 2022
  • A book originally written in another language
  • A memoir or autobiography
  • A book longer than 500 pages
  • A book you bought secondhand
  • A favorite book from your childhood
  • A book recommended by a friend
  • A book set in a country you want to visit
  • A book published the year you were born
  • A book of poems or short stories
  • A book written by a BIPOC author
  • A book by multiple authors
  • A book you picked because you liked the cover
  • A book you saw on social media
  • A book with a color in the title
  • A book in a genre you rarely read
  • An Indie or self-published book
  • A book with a title that is an alliteration
  • A book featuring LGTBQ+ community
  • A book you should have read in high school
  • A self-help or professional development book
  • A book related to your hobby
  • A banned book

Follow us on Facebook to share your favorites, ones that missed the mark, and your progress in the challenge. We'll have prizes throughout the year - Don't miss out! 

You can also see where we're at in the challenge and what we're reading in 2023 by friending us on Goodreads