Top Ten (Seven) Tuesday: What to Read When Time is Short

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana at The Artsy Reader Girl.

How many times have you said, "I'd love to read more, I just don't have the time!"? I know I'm completely guilty of it - mostly because I'm a workaholic who is also addicted to match-3 mobile games (Is there a support group for that?) and as much as I love to read, I just don't make time for it like I should!

This week's Top Ten... um... Seven Tuesday, I'm sharing my favorite quick reads with you. Ones that are less than 200 pages, or less than 2 hours long, but still deliver an awesome story line. Here are some great ones I've read (and re-read) over the years.

1. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - This is a classic, obviously, but for me it is an annual December MUST READ. I love (read "am obsessed with") Christmas, and Scrooge's story is my absolute favorite. I watch and read all types of renditions of it. At about 125 - 150 pages, depending on the edition, this is a quick, happy read.

2. The Bookstore Sisters: A Short Story by Alice Hoffman - Tied for my favorite author, Hoffman brings this great short story about two very different sisters to life and makes the reader feel all of the feels! It's only available digitally, but if you have an hour to fill, these 36 pages are a great way to do so! 

3 & 4. Impure Lichigan: Sword & Sorcery from the Great Lakes Realm Series by Connor Coyne - Currently, there are two books in this series. Book 1 - Don't Drink the Water in Firestone takes the reader through a brief adventure with a hay baler and warrior and an underappreciated scroll master, in search of mead. Unfortunately, all of the mead in Firestone is gone because the  town’s water was poisoned. Thus begins a quest. In book 2 - Something's Rotten in Nasty Hatchet, we begin our journey with a magic rock, and end with a dead monster. It's how Coyne gets the reader there that truly makes the novella awesome! Both are under 100 pages each, and if you're a Michigan Native, you'll have the added bonus of guessing the relevant history that is used in the stories.

5. Signal Moon by Kate Quinn: This 57 page story is a great read! Two people inexplicably connected despite an 80 year gap. One is intercepting enemy communications in 1943 during WWII, the other is attempting to stave off war in 2023. Somehow, through an impossible transmission, they must help each other survive in their respective wars, while trying to hold on to their unique, and growing connection.

6. My Evil Mother by Margaret Atwood: I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I downloaded a short story written by the literary genius who brought The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments to life. I'm happy to say it was a very pleasant surprise. This 32 page story is relatable as it shows the intricacies of a mother-daughter relationship. Throw in whispers of witchcraft, and a brew of love and it shines!

7. The Lover: A Short Story by Silvia Moreno-Garcia: I was entranced from the beginning of this short story. The plot was thick with emotion, and the characters were well-developed in the areas needed to tell the story. The twist at the end got me, and it was a welcomed surprise. Overall - I really enjoyed this quick 43 page read.

What quick reads do you recommend? 


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The Love and My Evil Mother are so good.

Great list!


I reread A Christmas Carol every December!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


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